
Thursday, January 29, 2009

A danger foreseen is half avoided.

Well... I was doing a little surfing around the web out of boredom a little while ago and found this site:

It's all about women traveling alone in Ireland.

I will be completely honest with you fine readers ... I am so-freaking-beat tonight. After vacuuming, sweeping, mopping, dusting, and the sad (failed) attempt at putting away laundry... I'm just not able to put my all into this. ~Sorry~ I'll copy/paste a couple key points though...

Things to Avoid in Ireland

There are a few things you might better avoid if traveling alone as a female in Ireland:

* Avoid lingering - if you object to any contact, state so clearly and break away from it.
* Avoid ambiguity - use a clear, loud "No!" and appropriate body language to make your point.
* Avoid getting drunk - if you render yourself defenseless you are a fool, watch out for "spiked" drinks.
* Avoid physical contact until you are really sure you want any.
* Avoid being alone with (a) male stranger(s), especially with somebody wanting to show you "a short cut".
* Avoid hitch-hiking alone.
* Avoid any known troublespots, enquire at your accommodation about them.
* Avoid following any invitation to a "house party" with strangers.

And finally - never assume that all is well because you heard the Irish are all so nice and helpful. There are nutcases and potential perpetrators about everywhere, even on the Emerald Isle.

~*~ Like I said, just use common sense, lol ~*~

In an Emergency ...

... run!

~*~ and I just like this part ^_^ ~*~

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