
Sunday, March 29, 2009

A Few Small Notes

Firstly, I have added another gadget to my blog!
All of the websites I have mentioned (along with a few extra) are now located at the right of the blog under the archives in click-able links. Take a look o_o ~~~>

Okay, I'm a few days late! There are a few things to say...

A) I found a packing list online ( It seems pretty thorough. I'll be posting my own personal list next week. I stopped by Wal-Mart on Tuesday and got a few travel items: Q-Tips, a small travel first aide kit by Band Aide, a bottle to put lotion in, and a couple little packs of tissues. Today I picked out all of my outfits and put them into the space-saver bags I bought so I'm not tempted to wear them before I leave. I'll add my jeans later. I bought a small make-up bag last Saturday when I was at the mall with Lindsay, and I got a travel shower bag from Wal-Mart. I have to find out US Airways policy on laptops in a carry on...

B) I don't think I've mentioned the international drivers license! Maybe I have and don't remember... anyways... the best travel book everrrr said it's not required, but it's a good idea. It also tells you were you can get one. So, to AAA I went. $15 dollars later I had a little paper packet with my picture glued to it. It's good for a year, which is nice. She made mine effective beginning April 1st. You have to keep it with a valid license from your own country too. In any case, if I do get into any traffic relative problems then this should make things a little easier. (The picture below is obviously not mine, but just so you get the idea.)

C) I'm still in the process of google-ing all the directions I'll need. My Blackberry has them too, but better to be safe than sorry (or lost)! I'm sure people will be friendly enough to help me out if I need it though. I'm starting to get a little freaked out honestly...

D) Going back to the outlet converters for a second... I was looking at the one I got that does convert voltage and it doesn't have 3 prongs. My first thought was 'great, now how am I supposed to plug in my laptop?!' but!! in looking at the little box on the cord it can handle 100-240v. It needs no converting! Lovely. (The thought of plugging it in still scares me though... there's a lot to lose on this computer. I'll try to survive on mere battery as long as I can.) I started looking at the rest of my electronics and all of them can handle up to 240v so far. I haven't checked everything yet, like the hair dryer, but hooray! And the stupid cell phone came with all the plugs, so I don't need a outlet or voltage converter for that. One more point for the piece of poo phone... speaking of the phone... I need to go get the SIMS card for that after work sometime this week and check the rates in Ireland...

Thanks for reading - until next week!

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