
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

In The Name Of The Father, The Son, And The Holy Toast

Today was exhausting... ugh...

I woke up at 5 and went to the train station. We left at 7 for Limerick and arrived around 9. (I made a new friend who was also traveling alone. She's from the US and we hung out all day.) We got on a bus and drove around town a little.

(The title for today's post is from Angela's Ashes, which takes place there.)

Then we drove to Bunratty Castle. It was kind of interesting.

We also saw Folk Park...

After that we went to lunch at a little pub. I had chicken, surprise surprise. After that we went to the Cliffs of Moher...

Then we went to see The Burren which is limestone which was left over after the icebergs went out to sea...

After that, to be honest, I was ready to be done. It was cold and windy. I was tired. I was sick of listening to the tour guide even though he was nice.

But we had to drive to Galway to get to the train station to come back to Dublin. So while we were there we did a little tour with commentary ... here's a picture of Galway Bay...

There's not much to say really - the photos speak for themselves. There were some gift shops where I managed to get a lot of present shopping done. Tomorrow I'll finish it. Oh, and I bought myself a nice aran sweater.

As I said, I'm beat. I had room service for dinner when I got back around 9:30 and now I'm going to bed.

~Until tomorrow~

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